Ver. 2.0 (Full Release) notes

Full version is finally released!

For any errors please inform the developer in the comments.

♚ The game is fully completed. All 5 main episodes, 3 additional episodes and one secret episode are waiting for you. Available in two languages: English and Russian.

It is recommended to play the PC version for full immersion.

♛ All game graphics have been completely updated, including backgrounds, character and item sprites, lighting dynamics have been added (for example, the shadow of objects out of the frame) where appropriate. For some scenes, the backgrounds and sprites have been replaced with higher quality alternatives.

♝ Updates to the combat system and "Mercenaries" mode: sprites and other graphic elements have been updated (eg. health bars and location of enemy health numbers). Mercenaries mode now has three times more content and stages, which will be gradually unlocked by beating the main story and winning within the mode itself. Completely reworked characters and balance. There are more playable characters, as well as ways to get them, their roles and classes have become more explicit. Some key characters received voiced skills. A new function has been added to the battle menu - "Use Item". The player can use various items that restore health and / or enhance other parameters, but it costs the turn of the character who uses the item.

♝   In main story episodes, there are now more fights with enemies, although the focus isn’t on them. The Safe Room item box has been given new roles, both for upcoming fights and story progression. Don't forget to check it out.

♝   An entirely new mode has been added, similar in mechanics to the “Raid mode” from Resident Evil Revelations – “Hunters”. You find yourself in an unusual casino run by some organization. Here you are free to choose only one of two playable characters, where one is a master of firearms, and the other is a master of melee weapons, after which you need to equip the character and go on a randomly generated mission. You’ll win when you complete five of these missions in a row. Prepare wisely, because you can take a limited number of things on a mission, take into account the weaknesses and strengths of your character and calculate the moves and probabilities in advance. But there are more secrets to this casino than it seems. And missions are far from the only activity there… [Mode is unlocked after completing Main Story Episode 3].

♝   The Trader is now ready to trade. Look for interesting things in all episodes and exchange them in his shop for various bonus items and access to new unexplored locations. You can also ask the Trader about his mysterious past. Please note that sometimes these items will be useful for unlocking other secrets in episodes. You can go to his store through the "Extra" menu.

♝   Some fonts have been updated or changed to suit the game’s style and are now more pleasing to the eye.

♝   New achievements have been added and also their graphics have been updated. A correct answer counter has been added to “Umbrella's Game” for the player ‘s convenience.

♝   Added indicators for the percentage of the game completed and the time spent in the game. They are shown in the episode selection menu.

♝   The game now has a "Enter Password" system available from the "Extra" menu. The player will learn new passwords when completing certain activities in the game. One special password unlocks a secret episode, but finding it is a challenge for the player. As a reward for the fact that you, dear reader, have read this post till this moment, I am rewarding you with a unique password - SNAKEBITE.

♝  The main menu and title screen now reflect the progress of your adventure. Before the beginning of each episode, a brief retelling of previous events is shown, as in the TV series.

♝   Some scenes from previous episodes have been expanded and/or changed for better narrative.

♝   Sound work: new compositions have been added, and the old ones have acquired a different sound.

♝   Please report any mistake / typos (preferably with an attached screenshot) in the comments or directly to the developer. Thank you!


“The King ordered his Queen to gather an army of loyal warriors, but she brought only a weak h̷̫̚o̵̪̅ŕ̷̢s̶̘̿e̸͚̓  to the battlefield”

♘ V̴̖͋i̸̫͝s̶͎̐i̴̼͗t̵̖̀o̶̯̔r̶͐͜

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